Our Event

If you would like to sponsor the She Served project by hosting a photoshoot, here is some general information you need to consider

Space:  The space needs to be indoors, and approximately 20×20’ in size, with at least an 8’ ceiling height (preferably 10’).  There should be electrical outlets to plug in our studio lighting.  

Photoshoot Details:  The photoshoot is reserved for female veterans only. It is designed to give them the experience of a professional photoshoot.  Each veteran will get a 30-minute professional session.  They can bring props or mementos to be used with the photoshoot.  I am more than happy to confer with them about the photo session before the date of the shoot and help them with details.  I will retouch 2 photos of each veteran and create a 2-page spread that will be featured on my social media FB page, webpage, and print exhibits.  The veteran will receive the retouched photos completely free of charge.  Other photos will be available for the veteran, but I reserve the right to charge for additional editing.

As the host you should be aware that each veteran that wants to participate will need to fill out an intake form of basic information, provide a short bio of their military career and post military life, and provide a clear photo of themselves in uniform (Their official service photo is best, but other photos of them in uniform are acceptable if it is clear and in focus so that their face is recognizable).

How Many Veterans?:   We can comfortably accommodate up to 10 women a day if the timeslots are scheduled in advance.  Multiple days can be arranged if needed.

Expenses: I do not charge the Veteran or the host a photoshoot fee.  However, as you can imagine we do have expenses.  I ask the host to provide suitable lodging, air fare and/or reimbursement for gas, and my meals during the photoshoot.  I am hoping to cover my operational expenses such as equipment maintenance, editing software, webhosting, printing fees, computers…the list goes on and on… through donations from generous sponsors. 

As the Host, it would be great if you could provide light refreshments during the photoshoot for the women and me and my volunteer assistant. 

Last but not Least:  It is people like you who make the She Served Project possible.  Through your sponsorship and donations women veterans will be highlighted and showcased so the public will gain awareness that women are veterans, too.  Furthermore, it will highlight the incredible contributions these women made to our country in the military and the contributions they are still making in their community.  Take the time and read some of the stories of the women and be AMAZED! 


Let’s Talk Today

To Host She Served please click here. 

To Donate to She Served Visit the link below

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